How We Work: Green Homeowners United

How We Work

2/1/20221 min read

We believe that far more needs to be done to cut carbon emissions, and there is a huge opportunity to do so in a way that helps every-day Americans: residential energy efficiency.

Between new inventions, techniques and rising bills, just about every home could improve their efficiency and save on their utility bills (electric, gas & water) in the process. Additionally, according to climate experts, it is also the #1 way to cut carbon emissions of all the things that society can do (even more than make every car on the road electric!).

We believe that everyone can fight climate change at home and can be rewarded for doing the right thing, with lower bills than before. That is why we specialize in making it possible for all people to access the means of doing the right thing by the planet and their pocketbook.

We understand that not everyone is financially prepared to pay for deep building upgrades such as solar panels or basement wall insulation out of pocket. In fact, we think it should not come down to that. We at Green Homeowners United are dedicated to helping people figure out how to find the means to finance the energy upgrades that pay for themselves and cut carbon emissions. Where the utility bills savings from energy efficiency outweigh the cost of their installation.

At this time we specialize in green mortgages in Wisconsin, working with multiple financial institutions in the state to make it possible for tens of thousands of residents. We also can help with encouraging and navigating the use of other financing methods to help residents pay for the energy-saving upgrades that help pay for the cost through lower utility bills, whether home equity loans, cash-out refinances, utility on-bill financing or PACE programs.

Become a Green Homeowner and unite with the rest of us!

-- Kevin Kane, Chief Economist